Third Classroom Building

The village has decided that its next priority is to build another classroom building so that each grade can have its own room and to establish a library.

The budget for the building is roughly $21,000 USD.  53%  of the need funds have been raised as of December 4, 2024.

Funds Raised so far!

Third Building Reverse Timeline:

December 2024 to February 2025:  Walls going up

We have gone as far as we can until more funds are raised.

January 15, 2025: Walls are going up! This picture shows how they first stack the bricks as high as they can standing on the ground, and then an on-site scaffolding is built to do the next layer.

February 3, 2025: They created a rebar tower in the corners to tie the walls and roof together. Notice how the brick extended into the corners

February 5, 2025: A form is built around the rebar tower. As you can see in the Feb 3rd picture, the bricks on the side are embedded in the concrete column. When all the vertical columns are done, horizontal columns are made the same way.

September to November 2024:  Foundations being backfilled

We have gone as far as we can until more funds are raised.

Sept 27, 2024:  Backfilling Foundation

Nov 6, 2024: Finishing the subfloor

Nov 6, 2024: Finishing the subfloor and preparing for the structural concrete columns.

August 2024: Construction has started!

Brick Foundations underway

Digging Foundation

Brick and Gravel in front of original building

July 2024: Supplies are arriving as funds become available

Brick Delivery

Supplies for construction

Delivery of Sand for concrete



Please contribute to help us build another classroom building so that each grade will have its own classroom and house the school’s growing library.